Level 5 - Topic 1

General number sense is defined as the understanding of number concepts and relationships, the ability to compute accurately, and the ability to effectively use numbers in daily life. This page contains all Level 5 workbooks, resources and templates currently published relating to Topic 1 - Using numbers and the number system, including whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages.

TOPIC 1 - USING NUMBERS AND THE NUMBER SYSTEM - Including whole numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages

5L1.1 Read, write, order and compare numbers up to 10 million

Read Numbers up to 10 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook asks the student to read ten different five-, six-, and seven-digit numbers correctly. There are five different scenarios each repeated six times. [Eco Ink Version]

Read Word Numbers up to 10 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook asks the student to correctly identify the numeral representation of the number written in word form from a choice of two, three and four options. The workbook starts with tens of thousands and progresses through to millions. [Eco Ink Version]

Write Numbers up to 10 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook asks the student to write the numeral form of the number written in word format. There are five different scenarios each repeated six times for numbers starting with tens of thousands and progressing to millions. [Eco Ink Version]

Write Numbers in Word up to 10 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook asks the student to read the numeral and write the number in words. There are five different scenarios each repeated six times for numbers starting with tens of thousands and progressing to millions. [Eco Ink Version]

Compare Numbers up to 10 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook looks at comparing two different numbers and asks the student to complete the sentence with ‘More’ or ‘Less’. There are five different scenarios each repeated six times for numbers starting with tens of thousands and progressing to millions. [Eco Ink Version]

Order Numbers up to 100,000 WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook looks at ordering numbers up to 100,000 and asks the student to order three, four and five different number from least to most, smallest to biggest and vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]

Order Numbers up to 1 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook looks at ordering numbers up to 1 million and asks the student to order three, four and five different number from least to most, smallest to biggest and vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]

Order Numbers up to 10 million WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook looks at ordering numbers up to 10 million and asks the student to order three, four and five different number from least to most, smallest to biggest and vice versa. [Eco Ink Version]

5L1.2 Understand place value up to millions

Understand Place Value up to Millions - This 30-page workbook focuses on the understanding of place value ‘ten thousand’, ‘hundred thousand’ and ‘million’. It extends existing knowledge of place value to a thousand in increments, 10 pages for each additional place value. [Eco Ink Version]

Identify Value of Place - This 30-page workbook looks at identifying the value of a digit given it place value within a number. There are five different scenarios each repeated six times for numbers starting with tens of thousands and progressing to millions. [Eco Ink Version]

Partition Numbers up to 10 million - This 30-page workbook focuses on the ability to partition a large number into its place value parts, identify a large number from its constituent parts and write a large number in its expanded form. There are five different scenarios each repeated six times for numbers starting with tens of thousands and progressing to millions. [Eco Ink Version]

5L1.3 Use rounding to the nearest 10, 100, and 1000 to approximate and check results

Approximate Addition using rounding to 10 - This 18-page workbook uses different scenarios to practice using rounding to the nearest 10 to help with an approximate addition. It starts with addition of two numbers and increases in difficulty to addition of four numbers. [Eco Ink Version]

Approximate Addition using rounding to 100 - This 18-page workbook uses different scenarios to practice using rounding to the nearest 100 to help with an approximate addition. It starts with addition of two number and increases in difficulty to addition of four numbers. [Eco Ink Version]

Approximate Addition using rounding to 1000 - This 18-page workbook uses different scenarios to practice using rounding to the nearest 100 to help with an approximate addition. It starts with addition of two numbers and increases in difficulty to addition of four numbers. [Eco Ink Version]

Approximate Subtraction using rounding to 10 - This 18-page workbook uses different scenarios to practice using rounding to the nearest 10 to help with an approximate subtraction. [Eco Ink Version]

Approximate Subtraction using rounding to 100 - This 18-page workbook uses different scenarios to practice using rounding to the nearest 100 to help with an approximate subtraction. [Eco Ink Version]

Approximate Subtraction using rounding to 1000 - This 18-page workbook uses different scenarios to practice using rounding to the nearest 1000 to help with an approximate subtraction. [Eco Ink Version]

5L1.4 Understand negative numbers

Number line TEMPLATES - Print, cut and join the number lines to make a number line from +50 to -50, +50 to -100. Plus additional number lines jumping in 5’s and 10’s to -50 or -100. [Buy our -50 to +50 number line]

Understanding negative numbers on a number line WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students are asked to find the missing numbers on a range of number lines, including both positive and negative numbers. [Eco Ink Version]

Comparing negative and positive numbers WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students are asked to compare a range of positive and negative numbers. Starting with numbers from -15 to +15 and building gradually to comparing numbers from -100 to +100. [Eco Ink Version]

Comparing bank balances WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook asks students to compare bank balances, including negative balances. Using the language more/less and most/least. [Eco Ink Version]

Ordering negative and positive numbers WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook challenges students to order numbers from +100 to -100. Watch out, make sure you check which way you are ordering the numbers! [Eco Ink Version]

Adding and subtracting from negative numbers - In this 30-page workbook students will help our characters add and subtract from negative numbers. Starting with a dice game adding or subtracting single digits, and building to a card game with two and three digit numbers. [Eco Ink Version]

Adding and subtracting within an overdraft - In this 25-page workbook students will be presented with the real-life scenarios involving credits and debits from a bank account with an overdraft. Exploring the different language and choices they will face in life. [Eco Ink Version]

Calculating with negative and positive values WORKBOOK - This 35-page workbooks explores adding, subtracting and finding the difference between negative and positive numbers in a range of real life scenarios. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.5 Multiply a two-digit whole number by two-digit whole numbers

5L1.6 Divide a three-digit whole number by two-digit whole numbers and express a remainder

5L1.7 Read, write, order and compare common fractions

Fraction wall TEMPLATE - Use our fraction wall to support learning throughout this fractions topic. Using Maths For Life colours we have used the same colours to represent different fractions throughout our workbooks.

Pizza fractions TEMPLATE - Visual representations of common fractions for you to use to support learning throughout this topic.

Recognise parts of a fraction WORKBOOK - In this 20-page workbook students are introduced to the idea that a fraction is made from two numbers. Looking at unit fractions only. Students are also introduced to shapes or objects being divided into 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 equal parts. [ECO Ink Version]

Recognise fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighths and ninths WORKBOOK - In this 25-page workbook students are introduced to the new fractions fifths, sixths, sevenths, eighths and ninths. [ECO Ink Version]

Read common non-unit fractions in digits WORKBOOK - In this 20-page workbook students are challenged to read non-unit fractions and match them to the correct representation. [ECO Ink Version]

Read common non-unit fractions in words WORKBOOK - In this 20-page workbook students are challenged to read non-unit fractions in words and match them to the correct representation. [ECO Ink Version]

Write common fractions WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students will learn to recognise and write fractions in both numbers and words. Starting with unit fractions and building to non-unit fractions in the second half of the workbook. [ECO Ink Version]

Compare simple fractions WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students are introduced to comparing fractions. Starting with comparing unit fractions and building to non-unit fractions. [ECO Ink Version]

Compare simple fractions word problems WORKBOOK - In this 15-page workbook students are challenged with comparing fractions within word problems. Starting with comparing two fractions and building to comparing three fractions. [ECO Ink Version]

Order simple unit fractions WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook requires students to order 3 unit fractions using a range of visuals to support them. [ECO Ink Version]

Order simple non-unit fractions WORKBOOK - This 20-page workbook requires students to order 3 non-unit fractions using a range of visuals to support them. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.8 Recognise and understand equivalent fractions

Recognise and understand equivalent fractions WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook uses visuals including a fraction wall, fractions of a shape and pizza fractions to build an understanding of equivalent fractions, and the ability to recognise that different fractions can represent the same amount of a whole. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.9 Recognise and understand mixed number fractions

Understanding mixed numbers WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbook introduces mixed numbers. Looking at whole and halves and quarters of relatable food items, toast, cake and pizzas. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.10 Read, write, order and compare decimals to three decimal places

Identifying thousandths WORKBOOOK - This 30-page workbooks requires students to identify how many thousandths are in a range of numbers. [ECO Ink Version]

Read and say decimals to three decimal places WORKBOOK - In this 35-page workbook, students are presented with decimals to 3 decimal places in a range of real life scenarios, and are asked to read them aloud. [ECO Ink Version]

Read decimals to three decimal places WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students are asked to read numbers with three decimal places in words and match it to the correct decimal number represented in digits. [ECO Ink Version]

Write decimal numbers in the expanded form WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students need to write numbers with three decimal places in the expanded form. Watch out for those 0 values - Lance gives some advice later in the workbook. [Eco Ink Version]

Write numbers with three decimal places WORKBOOK - In this 20-page workbook the students are asked to write the decimal number being said by one of our characters onto the calculator - why not type it into a calculator too! [ECO Ink Version]

Compare decimals to three decimal places WORKBOOK - In this 26-page workbook students are asked to compare two numbers with 3 decimal places. Starting with comparing two numbers with the language more/less and greatest/smallest, and building to comparing 3 numbers with language including shortest/longest and highest/lowest. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.11 Round decimals to the nearest whole number

Round a number with one decimal place WORKBOOK - This 35-page workbook asks students to round a number with one decimal place to the nearest whole number. [ECO Ink Version]

Round a number with two decimal places WORKBOOK - This 50-page workbook asks students to round a number with two decimal places to the nearest whole number. [ECO Ink Version]

Round a number with three decimal places WORKBOOK - This 40-page workbook asks students to round a number with three decimal places to the nearest whole number. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.12 Read, write, understand and calculate a percentage

Understanding percentage WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook introduces percentage as ‘out of 100’. Students must work out the percent of different flavours in a group of one hundred doughnuts, with increasing difficulty. [ECO Ink Version]

Read percentage WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook asks students to identify and read percentages from real world examples. [ECO Ink Version]

Write percentage WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook starts with learning to write the percentage symbol, and builds to reading and writing percentages from images presenting percentages in real world contexts. [ECO Ink Version]

Approximate percentages WORKBOOK - This 30-page workbook explores reading approximate percentages from a range of real life examples including progress bars and battery icons. [ECO Ink Version]

Finding a percentage of a small number WORKBOOK - This 25-page workbooks asks students to find common percentages of a small number of items e.g. 50% of 4 items. Students may already recognise this as half and be able to work out the answer without a calculation. [ECO Ink Version]

Calculate percentage WORKBOOK - In this workbook students are challenged with 25 word problems asking them to calculate the percentage of a number in a range of real life scenarios. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.13 Recognise common fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents

Calculate common fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents WORKBOOK - This 24-page workbook introduces how to find equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages. Including, calculating the percentage equivalent of decimals, the decimal equivalent of percentages, the decimal equivalent of a fraction and the equivalent percentage of a fraction. [ECO Ink Version]

Recognise common fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook challenges students to complete the fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents of common fractions including whole, half, quarter, three quarters and one tenth. [ECO Ink Version]

Recognise less common fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents WORKBOOK - This 15-page workbook challenges students to complete the fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents of less common fractions including one fifth, three fifths, two fifths/four tenths, three fifths/six tenths, seven tenths, four fifths/eight tenths and nine tenths. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.14 Understand ratio and proportion

5L1.15 Recognise and continue linear sequences of whole numbers to 100

Recognise and continue linear sequence WORKBOOK - In this 20-page workbook students are asked to find the next number in a linear sequence. Starting with simple addition rules and building in complexity using larger numbers and subtraction rules. [ECO Ink Version]

5L1.16 Recognise and continue linear sequences of decimal numbers

Sequencing numbers to one decimal place WORKBOOK - In this 30-page workbook students are asked to find the next number in a linear sequence. Starting with simple addition rules and building in complexity using larger numbers and subtraction rules. [ECO Ink Version]

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